VCT-HSM1//C SYH_4344105369679_Features

Features First person view Feel the rush as you relive every adventure from a thrilling first-person viewpoint with this helmet side mount. The VCT-HSM1 lets you attach an Action Cam using a curved-surface mount to fit the side of your helmet. Lock ...
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VCT-HSM1//C SYH_4344105369679_Highlight

Highlight Compatible products : All models Dimension(Approx.): Angle adjustment base: W 56mm X H 67mm X D 46mm ( 2 1/4inches X 2 3/4inches X 1 13/16inches) Adhesive Mount: W 53mm X H 15.5mm X D 58.5mm(2 1/8inches X 5/8inches X 2 3/8inches) Buckle lock plug:...
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